Roblox is a popular online game platform where users can create and play games. In this video, we follow Flamingo as he uses his Roblox admin powers to create an invisible maze that kills the players.
Imagine having an electric fence in your yard to keep your dog from wandering off. Flamingo uses a similar concept to create a maze in Roblox. The maze is made up of invisible blocks that players have to navigate through. If they touch the invisible walls, they are instantly killed.
Flamingo sets up the maze and waits for unsuspecting players to enter. He compares it to luring a rat through a maze with cheese, except instead of cheese, he tempts them with the idea of reaching their home. He blocks off certain paths, forcing the players to find the right way through the maze.
As players enter the maze, some manage to find the correct path and survive, while others succumb to the invisible walls. Flamingo finds enjoyment in watching them struggle and comments on how they might be learning lessons through this experience.
He continues to expand the maze, making it even more challenging. He invites viewers to join him in the game, anticipating that they will work together to find the right path. Flamingo makes the new walls invisible, making it even more difficult for players to navigate.
The maze is now filled with players trying to find their way through. Flamingo watches as they make progress or fall victim to the invisible walls. He encourages them and occasionally guides them in the right direction.
As more players make it through the maze, Flamingo realizes that this may take a while. He suggests that it might even take up to an hour for someone to complete the maze. Despite the difficulty, players continue to try their best to reach the end.
Flamingo plans to reward the players who successfully navigate the maze. He mentions giving them in-game currency as a prize. Although they may not play Roblox regularly, he wants to acknowledge their efforts.
The video ends with Flamingo observing the players’ progress and providing support. He finds joy in watching them overcome the challenges and hopes that they will continue to enjoy the game.
In conclusion, Flamingo creates an invisible maze in Roblox using his admin powers. Players have to navigate through the maze and avoid the invisible walls that kill them instantly. Flamingo enjoys watching them struggle and anticipates their progress. Despite the difficulty, players continue to persevere, hoping to reach the end and receive a reward.