
Pokémon Adventures is an iconic manga series that follows the thrilling journey of Pokémon trainers as they embark on epic quests. In this article, we will explore the full team of the original main character, Red. From his first ever Pokémon to his formidable squad of companions, we will delve into the intricacies of Red’s team. Join us as we unravel the mysteries and uncover the strengths of each member. Let’s dive in!

Red’s Team: Unraveling the Pokémon

  1. Pulley the Polyrh

    Red’s first ever Pokémon, Pulley, is a male Polyrh. Starting as a Poliwag, Pulley evolved into Poliwhirl before reaching its final evolution as Poliwrath. Pulley’s ability is “damp,” and it possesses a brave nature. Throughout the series, Pulley has showcased its strength with a variety of moves, including Water Gun, Ice Beam, and Double Slap. As Red’s starter Pokémon, Pulley’s loyalty and sacrifice for the team make it an invaluable member.

  2. Saw the Venusaur

    Saw is a male Venusaur that Red received as a gift from Professor Oak. Starting as a Bulbasaur, it evolved into Ivysaur before finally reaching its majestic form as Venusaur. Saw’s ability, “overgrowth,” allows it to unleash its full potential in battles. With moves such as Solar Beam and Poison Powder, Saw proves to be a formidable opponent. As Red’s trusted partner, Saw’s evolution is a nod to the original artwork of Pokémon Red and Green.

  3. Pika the Pikachu

    No Pokémon team is complete without a Pikachu, and Red’s team is no exception. Pika is a male Pikachu and Red’s mascot. Pika’s ability is “static,” and it has a sassy nature. Unlike the other members of Red’s team, Pika has never evolved. Pika’s extensive move set includes Thunder Shock, Quick Attack, and Thunder Wave, among others. Its mischievous nature at the beginning of the series adds a delightful charm to its character.

  4. Snore the Snorlax

    Snore is a male Snorlax, often overshadowed by the other members of Red’s team. Red caught Snore to clear a pathway for a bike race. It possesses the ability “immunity” and has an impish nature. Snore’s move set includes powerful moves such as Earthquake and Mega Punch. Although it may not receive as much spotlight, Snore remains a cool and strong addition to Red’s squad.

  5. Garrow the Gyarados

    Garrow is a male Gyarados with a fascinating backstory. Red received Garrow from Misty, trading it for a Krabby, enabling him to cross the seas. Garrow’s ability is “intimidate,” and it has a lonely nature. Garrow’s move set includes notable moves such as Hydro Pump and Hyper Beam. Its journey from being a Pokémon controlled by Team Rocket to becoming a loyal member of Red’s team adds depth to its character.

  6. Erid the Aerodactyl

    Erid is a male Aerodactyl that Red obtained from an Old Amber. After reviving it in Chapter 26, Erid becomes a crucial member of Red’s team. With the ability “rockhead” and a hasty nature, Erid is equipped with powerful moves such as Dragon Claw and Fly. Its majestic flight and impressive battle skills make it a standout member of Red’s team.

Red’s Pokémon in the Box

Red’s team extends beyond the six members mentioned above. In his Pokémon box, he has several additional Pokémon, albeit with limited usage throughout the series. Let’s take a brief look at these members:

  1. V the Espeon

    V is a male Espeon, and its story is one of experimentation and resilience. Originally sick due to Team Rocket’s experiments, V can temporarily evolve into Flareon, Jolteon, and Vaporeon. However, it eventually permanently evolves into Espeon. V’s move set includes Morning Sun and Psychic, making it a powerful ally in battles.

  2. Diglett, Sandshrew, and Nidorino

    Although Diglett, Sandshrew, and Nidorino are minor members of Red’s team, they deserve a mention. Diglett and Sandshrew were caught by Red but had limited usage, with Diglett only showcasing the move Dig and Sandshrew utilizing Sand Attack. Nidorino, on the other hand, was the first Pokémon Red ever caught in the manga but has not been used in battles. While they may not receive significant attention, they contribute to the diversity of Red’s Pokémon roster.


In this article, we have explored the remarkable Pokémon team of Red, the original main character in Pokémon Adventures. From the fierce Pulley to the mighty Garrow, each member brings their unique strengths and adds depth to the captivating storyline. Whether it’s the loyalty of Pulley, the mischievousness of Pika, or the resilience of V, every Pokémon plays a vital role in Red’s journey. We hope this guide has shed light on the adventures of Red and his team, allowing you to appreciate the intricacies and relationships between each Pokémon. So, which of Red’s Pokémon is your favorite? Have you used any of them in your own Pokémon playthroughs? Let us know in the comments below! Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and stay tuned for more captivating Pokémon content. Until next time, take care and embark on your own Pokémon adventures!