Tap Titans 2 is an exciting game that offers players the opportunity to progress through various stages and defeat powerful bosses. In order to maximize your gameplay experience and make significant progress, it is important to understand the concepts of prestige and farming. This guide will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to effectively prestige and farm in Tap Titans 2, ensuring that you can become a master of the game.
What is Prestige?
Prestige is the process of starting the game from the very beginning, at the first level, while losing your powers and weapons. However, by utilizing special items, you are able to progress faster in subsequent playthroughs. By prestiging, you gain higher relics and increase your chances of unlocking skill points and equipment along the way.
How to Prestige in Tap Titans 2
There are two ways to prestige in Tap Titans 2. The first method is by joining a tournament, where you automatically prestige upon joining. The second method is by clicking the prestige button, which is located on the first tab of the game. However, manual prestige can only be performed once you have reached 80% of your current maximum stage.
It is important to note that it is generally best to wait to prestige. By waiting, you can gather more artifacts, increase your hero levels, complete more levels, kill more bosses, and unlock more heroes. These additional resources will provide you with a significant boost in power and make subsequent playthroughs much easier.
Tips for Prestiging
If you currently have a surplus of relics, you have the option to buy new relics or upgrade existing ones. It is recommended to level your books and shadows in between tournaments, and during tournaments, switch to build type artifacts or purchase new ones using the extra money you have at the start of a run.
One useful perk in Tap Titans 2 is the “Make it Rain” perk, which provides a gold boost at the start of your run. This perk can be obtained through daily rewards, purchasing it with diamonds, or winning it in a tournament. It is best to use the “Make it Rain” perk at the beginning of your run, as it will give you a significant boost in gold, allowing you to buy more powerful heroes.
Another perk that can be used if you don’t have any “Make it Rain” perks available is the “Clan Crate.” This perk provides gold and can also be used at the beginning of a tournament to give yourself a better head start.
Joining a Clan for Faster Prestiging
Joining a clan early on in the game can significantly speed up your prestige and farming progress. Look for the highest level clan possible, as clans with higher clan experience will provide a bigger boost in advanced stage start, allowing you to begin at a higher stage after prestiging. This will make your subsequent runs shorter and give you more time to prestige even further.
Understanding Farming in Tap Titans 2
Farming is an essential part of Tap Titans 2 gameplay, as it allows you to gather relics and level up your artifacts to become stronger. When farming, you typically prestige below your maximum stage in order to gain more relics and increase your artifact levels. On the other hand, pushing is when you exceed your maximum stage and try to progress as much as possible.
The basic premise of farming is simple: you prestige, play until your progress slows down, and then prestige again. This slowdown point is usually when you can no longer kill bosses in a single hit or splash through stages easily. The exact point at which you should prestige will vary for each player and build.
Determining Your Optimal Prestige Stage
To determine your optimal prestige stage, you can use the “relics per minute” metric. Compare the number of relics you get from a prestige and the amount of time it took to get there. Your optimal prestige point is where you are getting the highest number of relics per minute. You may find that pushing even when progress is slow can actually increase your relics per minute, thanks to the relic gains from increasing your maximum stage. Experimentation is key to finding your own optimal prestige stage.
Improving Farming Speed in Tap Titans 2
Speed is an important factor when it comes to farming in Tap Titans 2. You want to be able to complete your farming runs quickly to maximize your relic gains. However, it is also crucial to maintain higher relics per minute. Here are some ways to improve your farming speed:
Prestige Relics - The Book of Shadows artifact is considered the most powerful for farming, as it allows you to gain significantly more relics per prestige. Leveling this artifact will provide you with more power and progression.
Splashing and Skipping Boosts - These boosts help you progress faster by increasing your splash count and skip multiple spawns. They can be obtained through various artifacts and skills.
Cool Down Reduction and Duration Increases - These boosts reduce the time you need to interact with the game, allowing you to prestige more efficiently.
Manage Capacity - Manual regeneration and mana cost reductions help you progress without interruptions by eliminating the need to wait for mana.
Faster Sources of Gold or Damage - Boosts that increase gold from bosses or chests, as well as damage multipliers that don’t require a delay, can help you farm faster.
Silent March Boosts - These boosts allow you to progress offline faster, providing greater rewards with less attention required.
When evaluating your build for farming, consider factors such as splash count, hits required to defeat a stage, and titan defeat time. These can be checked in your build’s stats. However, the best way to determine the effectiveness of your build is to try it out and see your relics per minute.
Equipment Farming and Tournament Farming
Equipment farming is an important aspect of Tap Titans 2. By progressing through stages you have already beaten, you can gather a maximum of 20 equipment pieces per day. These equipment drops can provide you with free diamonds and additional chances to complete your equipment sets or improve your current equipment. It is essential to pick up your farmed equipment before the daily shop reset at midnight to ensure you maximize your equipment farming.
Tournament farming, on the other hand, is primarily for new players who have not collected all the artifacts or enchantments yet. In this method, you must prestige outside of tournaments and level up your artifacts, particularly the Book of Shadows. It is crucial not to unlock any new artifacts or enchantments until you have entered a tournament. By saving artifacts and enchantments for tournaments, you have a higher chance of placing higher and gaining more resources to progress through the game faster.
By following this prestige and farming guide for Tap Titans 2, you will be well-equipped to make significant progress in the game. Remember to experiment with different strategies and find your optimal prestige stage to maximize your relics per minute. Joining a clan early on can also speed up your progress. Additionally, equipment farming and tournament farming techniques can provide you with valuable resources to enhance your gameplay. So dive in, enjoy the game, and become a Tap Titans 2 master!