Summoners War, an immensely popular mobile game, has recently made significant changes to its power up and evolution system. While some players may be feeling panicked and apprehensive about these changes, it is important to understand that the new system is actually an improvement in the long run. In this article, we will walk you through the new system and explain its structure, addressing any concerns you may have.
The first thing to keep in mind is that the new system is not simply an update to the old one. It is an entirely new system that completely replaces the old one. This may be a lot to handle, especially since the previous system had been in place for nine years and served as the foundation for many similar games. However, approaching it as a completely new system will help you adjust your expectations and view it in a different light.
One of the reasons why players may feel that the new system is worse is because of the increased requirement for evolution. Instead of needing three three-star monsters to evolve, now players need the equivalent of five three-star monsters to reach a four-star evolution. This change may initially seem intimidating, as it requires more resources. However, it is crucial to understand that when you evolve a monster, it retains its level. For example, evolving a monster to four stars will still keep it at level 25, and you can continue to power it up to six stars without losing its level.
Moreover, the new system eliminates the need to level up your food monsters. Previously, players had to level up their food monsters alongside the monsters they wanted to evolve. However, in the new system, the level of your food monsters no longer matters. This is best demonstrated through the “Evolve” tab, where the level of your food monster has no impact on the evolution process. This means that two-star monsters dropped in the game are now automatically considered as food, and their level is irrelevant. Additionally, max level rainbow mods, which used to drop as two-star monsters, have been adjusted to drop as one-star three-star monsters instead.
Another misconception that has been circulating is that using duplicate monsters no longer provides skill-ups. However, this is untrue. Using duplicate monsters for power-ups or evolution still grants skill-ups. So rest assured, skill-ups are not going anywhere when it comes to duplicates.
When it comes to power-ups, the level of your food monsters does matter. For instance, using a one-star monster will provide 25% power-up, while using a max level two-star monster will grant 100% power-up. However, it is important to note that in the previous system, powering up food monsters was not a common practice. With the new system, the focus is on leveling up the monsters you want to use and not wasting resources on fodder leveling. Additionally, max level monsters in battles no longer absorb experience, making it more efficient to level up only the units that require experience.
To help you navigate the new system more effectively, Summoners War has introduced a filter feature in both the power-up and evolve tabs. This allows you to set rules for each star rating of your monsters, determining which monsters will be automatically selected for use as food. By default, the filter excludes three and four-star monsters, but you can customize it to suit your preferences.
Despite the initial adjustment period and the need for more food monsters, the new system ultimately offers a more efficient way of leveling up and evolving monsters. With time and experience, players will come to appreciate the benefits of this system, such as the ability to rapidly create six-star monsters. So, it is important to remain patient and give the new system a chance.
In conclusion, the new evolution system in Summoners War may seem daunting at first. However, by understanding its structure, such as the increased requirement for evolution and the elimination of the need to level up food monsters, players can adapt and take advantage of the system’s benefits. Remember to view it as a completely new system, not just an update, and make use of the filter feature to streamline your monster management. With time, you will come to appreciate the improvements and enjoy the new system to its fullest.