
In the RuneScape world, the Rune Mechanics quest is an essential task that every player needs to complete. To ensure your success, this guide will provide you with easy step-by-step instructions on how to complete the quest. By following these instructions, you can quickly gather the required items and overcome any obstacles that may come your way.

Getting Started

To begin the Rune Mechanics quest, you will need the following items:

  • 5 water ruins
  • 5 mine ruins
  • 5 body ruins
  • Emeralds
  • 25 pure essence

If you do not have a convenient way of holding all the pure essence, you will only need 24 pieces.

Step 1: Meeting the Apprentice

  1. Go to the Mage Training Arena and locate a trapdoor. Climb down the trapdoor and speak to the apprentice.
  2. Choose the option that says “Yes” and continue the conversation.
  3. Climb up the stairs twice and head north to find a wizard. Engage in a conversation with the wizard and choose the chat option that helps you stay on topic.
  4. After the conversation, go back downstairs to find the apprentice again. Speak to the apprentice and choose the option that says “Fine, I’ll get them.”
  5. Click on the workbench twice, located to the northeast, to enchant both your emeralds.
  6. Return to the apprentice and give them the two enchanted emeralds and 20 pure essence.

Step 2: Solving the Puzzle

  1. Talk to the wizard in the room to the far east. Choose the chat option that says “I guess I’ll give it a try” and complete the conversation.
  2. The next task involves solving a puzzle. Follow the directions provided on the screen to successfully complete the puzzle.
  3. After solving the puzzle, speak to the wizard in the next room. It doesn’t matter which chat option you choose.
  4. Head to the bank and obtain the remaining 5 pure essence if you don’t already have them.
  5. Proceed to the fire altar, located southwest of the Mage Training Arena. Equip the binding necklace and use the water talisman on the altar to create 5 steam runes.
  6. Return to the Mage Training Arena and climb down the trapdoor in the middle room to speak to the wizard.
  7. Talk to the apprentice and choose any chat option.
  8. Fix the table by clicking and dragging the tiles from the right panel to the correct places in the left panel. The end result should resemble the provided diagram.
  9. Click on the green button located in the bottom left corner to complete this part of the quest.

Step 3: Completing the Quest

  1. The apprentice will begin speaking to you again once you have fixed the table. It doesn’t matter which chat options you choose.
  2. Use the evidence tool on the rune essence and then speak to the apprentice once more.
  3. Finish the conversation and congratulations! You have successfully completed the Rune Mechanics quest.


Completing the Rune Mechanics quest in RuneScape is a straightforward process if you follow the provided steps. From gathering the required items to solving a puzzle and conversing with characters, this guide ensures that you have a smooth and successful quest experience.

Remember, always be prepared and have the necessary items before embarking on any quest. Good luck on your Rune Mechanics quest journey, and may fortune favor your endeavors!