In the game Rise of Kingdoms, one of the quests players must complete is clearing the fog from their maps. This process can be time-consuming and tedious, but with the right strategy, it can be done quickly and efficiently. In this article, we will discuss the most efficient way to clear the fog from your maps in Rise of Kingdoms.
The Importance of Clearing the Fog
Before diving into the strategy, let’s understand why clearing the fog is important in Rise of Kingdoms. By exploring all the fog blocks in the kingdom, players can earn rewards such as 1,000 gems and 10 gold keys. These rewards are valuable and can greatly benefit your gameplay. Additionally, clearing the fog allows you to have a complete view of your map, which is essential for strategic planning and resource gathering.
The Time Limit
It’s important to note that there is a time limit for clearing the fog. On a new server, players have approximately 55 days to complete this quest and receive the rewards. After this time period, no rewards will be given for clearing the fog. To access the quest, click on your monument, then click on the scroll, and select the quest called “Long Peace - Explore all fog blocks in the kingdom.”
Checking Your Fog Exploration Progress
To track your progress in clearing the fog, you can check your fog exploration percentage. In the game, there is a scout camp where you can view your fog exploration progress. Make sure to keep the scout camp easily accessible by placing it near your city. By clicking on the scout camp and the telescope, you can see your fog exploration progress. For example, it might show that you are at 99.63% fog exploration progress.
Efficient Fog Removal Strategy
Now let’s discuss the most efficient strategy for clearing the fog. Here are the step-by-step instructions:
- Zoom out on your map to get a better view of your entire kingdom.
- Click on your city’s scout camp and select the telescope.
- Choose a scout to assign to a fog block and click on “explore.”
- Enable the “hold position for five minutes after exploring” option. This ensures that the scout stays in the fog block for a few minutes before returning to the city.
- Repeat the process for all the remaining fog blocks.
- While the scouts are exploring, you can focus on other tasks such as leveling commanders or participating in barbarian forts.
- Utilize kingdom maps, which can be obtained from exploring tribal villages, to clear fog blocks automatically. These maps reveal fog blocks with the most fog closest to your city.
By following these steps, you can efficiently clear the fog from your maps and save valuable time. It’s also worth mentioning that you can trade unused kingdom maps for a five-minute universal speed-up.
Finalizing the Fog Removal
When you are nearing the completion of fog clearing, keep a close eye on your progress. Once you have cleared 100% of the fog, you will receive the rewards for completing the quest. These rewards include 10 gold keys and 1,000 gems.
In conclusion, clearing the fog from your maps in Rise of Kingdoms is an important quest that should be completed within the given time limit. By following the efficient strategy outlined in this article, you can save time and maximize your rewards. The key is to assign scouts to fog blocks, enable the “hold position” option, and utilize kingdom maps for automatic fog clearing. Remember to track your fog exploration progress and enjoy the rewards when the quest is completed!
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