Note: This video is a transcription of a YouTube video by Chisgule Gaming.

If you’re looking to level up your gameplay in Rise of Kingdoms and become a pro in open field fighting, regardless of your roster’s power or experience level, then you’ve come to the right place. In this ultimate guide, we will explore the concepts and strategies that will dramatically improve your skill in open field battles. This will not only save you valuable resources and speed-ups but also lead to victories in the game.

But before we dive into the details, we have a sponsor for today’s video - Warpath. Warpath is a city-building war game that offers an exciting sniper mini-game along with a variety of attention-to-detail weapons and weapon systems. The game features inspired maps and a strategic gameplay element where you recruit the right officers and align them with the best units to defeat your enemies. Additionally, Warpath hosts tournaments with massive prize pools, giving you a chance to win big. So, make sure to check out Warpath using the link in the description to support the channel and enjoy an immersive gaming experience.

Now, let’s get started with the guide and explore the key concepts and strategies that will take your open field fighting skills to the next level.

1. Engage and Disengage

The first term we need to understand is the “engage.” This refers to the moment when you make contact with the enemy and start the fight. Having a good engage is crucial for the success of the rest of the battle. We’ll further discuss what makes for a clean engage and how it can set the stage for future victories.

2. Peeling

Peeling is a term that is often overlooked in Rise of Kingdoms battles, but it can be a game-changer. Peeling refers to the act of removing enemy marches from attacking your allies. A commander like Richard the First, with his instant 50% slow, can be used to peel and protect your allies effectively. By strategically targeting enemies and slowing them down, you can create a safer environment for your allies.

3. Rage Loading and Transferring

Rage loading and transferring are critical strategies in open field fighting. Rage loading involves maximizing your rage meter during a fight with one opponent and then abruptly targeting another enemy, transferring all the accumulated rage. This provides you with a massive advantage in the subsequent battle. On the other hand, rage dropping can occur when you lose all your rage, either by leaving combat or when an opponent enters a resource node or city. It’s important to stay in combat as long as possible to take advantage of buffs and debuffs.

4. Skill Cycling

Skill cycling refers to the process of utilizing the active skills of your commanders in a strategic manner. When your primary commander’s rage bar is full, they unleash their active skill, followed by a short downtime before the secondary commander uses their active skill. Skill cycling allows you to deal significant damage and apply buffs and debuffs to your enemies before they even have a chance to retaliate. The key is to rage transfer efficiently to skill cycle quickly, giving you a clear advantage.

5. Turning

In open field battles, turning is a powerful tactic that involves abruptly changing your march direction or strategy in unexpected ways. By appearing as if you are retreating and then swiftly turning your marches to attack the enemy, you catch them off guard. They often find themselves out of position and unprepared for the sudden aggression. Utilizing turning effectively can give you a significant upper hand in battles.

6. Targeting Territory

Targeting territory is a vital tactic that provides a march speed boost. By targeting your territory, you can improve the speed at which your marches move. This is particularly beneficial when retreating to your city, as the game often doesn’t accurately display the reduced travel time when targeting territory. Retreating to your city can be a powerful strategy, especially when fighting on your alliance’s territory or as part of the King’s Avatar.

7. Getting a Free Ride

Getting a free ride refers to attacking an enemy who is heading in the same direction you wanted to go. By engaging in combat with them, you not only travel in your desired direction but also generate rage, which can be transferred to another target. This strategy allows you to make the most out of your marches and gain a significant advantage in battles.

By understanding and implementing these terms and strategies, you can greatly enhance your open field fighting skills in Rise of Kingdoms. It is important to note that talents, commanders, and equipment also play a crucial role in battles. If you need more information on these aspects, check out the guides provided by Chisgule Gaming in the video description.

Lastly, playing Rise of Kingdoms on PC can provide a more efficient and clean execution of these strategies. While it is still possible to apply these concepts on other platforms, the PC version offers a higher level of precision and control.

Remember, mastering open field fighting is essential for securing objectives, gaining trade advantages, and ultimately achieving victory in Rise of Kingdoms. So, take these concepts, practice them, and become a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

Now that you have the knowledge, it’s time to test your skills and dominate the open field in Rise of Kingdoms!

[Word Count: 884]