When playing Rise of Kingdoms, one of the regular events that you will encounter is the Traveling Creator in your Courier Station. This event offers a variety of items for purchase, but it’s important to know which ones are worth buying and which ones you should avoid. In this article, we will provide you with valuable tips and insights on how to make the most out of your purchases in the Courier Station.

The Best Items to Buy

When it comes to the items available for purchase from Traders in the Courier Station, it is generally recommended to focus on items that can be bought without spending any gems. While there are some gem items available, they often have worse value compared to the equivalent items in the VIP Shop. Therefore, it is usually more advantageous to use your gems for VIP Shop purchases instead.

However, the items that can be bought with resources are unique in their own right. Resources are relatively easy to obtain in Rise of Kingdoms, so even if you spend a significant amount of food purchasing speed-ups, you will still receive great value in return. In just a few hours of active farming, you can easily replenish the resources you spent on these items.

Utilize Free Refresh

Although not directly related to purchasing items, it is important to take advantage of the free refresh option in the Courier Station. This refresh option doubles the number of items available for purchase. It is recommended to use the free refresh wisely, as it only costs 100 gems and the added value for most items might not be worth it, unless you are able to find a lucky rolling Kingdom with abundant resources. So, use your discretion when deciding to refresh the items in the Courier Station.

Timing is Key

Another important aspect to consider when making purchases in the Courier Station is timing. The Traveling Creator consistently visits at specific timer intervals, usually at the same time each day. By observing the pattern and being mindful of the regular two-hour window during which the Courier visits, you can ensure that you are online and ready to make purchases. This will allow you to maximize your chances of obtaining valuable items.

In conclusion, when it comes to shopping in the Courier Station in Rise of Kingdoms, it’s crucial to prioritize items that can be purchased with resources rather than gems. Take advantage of the free refresh option, but use it wisely as it may not always provide substantial added value. Lastly, pay attention to the timing of the Traveling Creator’s visits to ensure that you are online and ready to make purchases during the designated window.

Remember, strategic shopping in the Courier Station can greatly benefit your gameplay in Rise of Kingdoms. By making smart choices and optimizing your purchases, you can enhance your overall progress and strengthen your kingdom. So, keep these tips in mind and make the most out of your visits to the Courier Station in Rise of Kingdoms. #strategyliveshere #shorts