In this article, we will discuss which rare champions in Raid: Shadow Legends are worth 6 starring in 2023. This is a popular question among players, especially for those who are new to the game or aiming to tackle the end-game content, such as the Doom Tower hard secret rooms. We will provide a detailed analysis of each rare champion and their usefulness in different aspects of the game.

Before diving into the list, it’s important to note that if you are aiming for fusion champions in the future, it’s recommended to keep at least one copy of the rares needed for fusion. This will help you in Champion Chase tournaments and other events. These fusion rares can be identified by a swirly symbol in your roster. Make sure to save them in your reserve vault.

For early levels of Faction Wars, any rare champion can be useful. However, prioritize champions with AOE (area-of-effect) abilities and upgrade them to level 30. This will help you progress through Faction Wars. It’s also worth mentioning that there are many epics in the game that outshine most rares, even in early stages of the game.

Now let’s jump into the list of rare champions and their respective usefulness:

High Elves:

  • Apothecary: A versatile rare champion with multiple hits and healing abilities. Great for early game content and can be used in different areas of the game.

  • Avenger: Not recommended.

  • Elhain: Good for Magic Affinity secret rooms and late game content. Also a decent starter champion.

  • Judicator: Only useful if paired with Epic champion Eris.

  • Fencer: Not recommended.

  • Prosecutor: Not recommended.

  • Medicus: Not recommended.

  • Interceptor: A good choice for early game content, especially for revives and cleansing.

  • Start a Hero: Decent for secret rooms but not as good as Elhain.

  • Witness: Not recommended.

  • Hospitala: Useless.

  • Purgator: Good for specific conditions but otherwise not recommended.

  • Investigator: Not recommended.

  • Chaplain: A niche champion with good healing abilities. Can be useful in some situations.

  • The Mella: Not recommended.

  • Solaris: Not recommended.

  • Templar: Decent for soloing some content like Bumble.

  • Pendulum: Not recommended.

  • War Priests: Avoid investing in this champion.

  • Confessor: Useless.

  • Hakur: Decent for late game content with high HP-based champions.

  • Draconis: Not recommended.

  • Bone Knight: A good choice for HP-based champions in Doom Tower secret rooms.

  • Justiciar: Not recommended.

  • Inquisitor: Not recommended.

  • Stormclaw: Not recommended.


  • Marked: Good for increased defense and blocking debuffs. Can be helpful for Clan Boss.

  • Elder: Avoid investing in this champion.

  • Heiress: Avoid investing in this champion.

  • Nomad: Not recommended.

  • Dunekeeper: Not recommended.

  • Truebow: Useless.

  • Sentinel: Good for HP-based Doom Tower rooms and early Magma Dragon.

  • Warmaiden: A solid choice with AOE decrease defense. Worth investing in early on.

  • Slayer: Useless.

  • Anointed: Avoid investing in this champion.

  • Berserker: Hits hard and can be useful for Spirit-based Doom Tower rooms.

  • Bloodbraid: Not recommended.

  • Young Kael: Good for Spirit-based rooms and brings a strong AOE nuke ability.

  • Learned: Avoid investing in this champion.

  • Ox: Hits hard but not very useful overall.

  • Ragechanter: Not recommended.

  • Scrapper: Useless.

  • Lumaya: Good for Scara boss, but not a top-tier choice.

  • Fleshmonger: Good for end-game attack-based champions.

This list covers a range of rare champions from different factions and their usefulness in Raid: Shadow Legends. It’s important to note that this is not an exhaustive list and there may be other rare champions that can be useful in specific situations.

Whether you are a new player or a seasoned veteran, understanding which rare champions to invest in is crucial for your progression in the game. Remember to prioritize champions with AOE abilities and those that complement your team composition and game goals.

In conclusion, while some rare champions may provide temporary usefulness, it’s recommended to focus on obtaining and investing in powerfu