In this video, we will be showcasing a random team consisting of Jane, Viska, Mirianne, and Kaulah in various PVE areas of the game King’s Raid. We will be testing their performance in Adventure 7, Red Dragon 75, and Tower of Challenge 65. Let’s take a look at the stats and gear of each hero before we begin.
- Class: Warrior
- Stats: Standart angle with P block and unblock
- Gear: Ogre
- Class: Warrior
- Stats: Pretty standard
- Gear: Viska BO
- Class: Assassin
- Stats: Well-geared
- Gear: 4-star
- Class: Priest
- Stats: Base Kaulah forming the beauty and the beast combo
- Gear: Joke
Now that we have gone over the stats and gear of each hero, let’s proceed to the first test area, Adventure 7. The team consists of mainly magic heroes, with a heavy emphasis on damage. However, they lack good magic defense shredding, especially on a tank. Jane provides damage amplification for the team, while Viska amplifies magic damage. These two heroes combined can amplify around 125% magic damage for Mirianne, who serves as the main dealer for this team.
We start the Adventure 7 test in normal speed to better observe and analyze the team’s performance. The team faces some challenges, but they manage to clear the area without any major issues. However, there are some instances where Viska scatters the enemies, making it harder for the team to control them. In terms of CC (crowd control), Jane and Kaulah provide some control against single-target enemies, but their aerial CC is not sufficient to control multiple enemies. Overall, this team performs decently in Adventure 7, earning an average rating of B.
Moving on to Red Dragon 75, we chose this area because it is more suitable for this team compared to the Black Dragon, which they lack protection against. The team exhibits excellent single-target DPS (damage per second) due to the damage amplification from Jane and Viska. The first stage of the Dragon is defeated quickly thanks to their combination. However, one downside of Viska is her tendency to scatter the enemies, disrupting the team’s ability to group control them. If Kaulah fails to use his skill 1 during the Dragon’s flying attacks, the team is likely to fail. But with some luck and good coordination, this team can successfully clear Red Dragon 75. Rating for their performance in this area is a yes.
Lastly, we tackle Tower of Challenge 65. This area proves to be more challenging for the team. Viska’s tendency to scatter enemies becomes a significant issue, making it harder for the team to control them. The lack of group control capabilities and the bias of Tower of Challenge 65 against magic teams make it difficult for this team to succeed. In contrast, other magic teams with better control abilities, like Sonia and Annette, have a higher chance of clearing this area. Unfortunately, Tower of Challenge 65 is a fail for this team due to their poor group control capabilities.
In conclusion, the random team of Jane, Viska, Mirianne, and Kaulah performs decently in Adventure 7, with an average rating of B. They exhibit excellent single-target DPS in Red Dragon 75, earning a yes rating. However, their lack of group control and Viska’s scattering ability make them unsuitable for Tower of Challenge 65. It is important to consider the strengths and weaknesses of each hero when building a team for specific PVE areas in King’s Raid.
Thank you for watching, and stay tuned for more random team tests in random areas in the future!