Are you struggling to clear stages nine and ten in King’s Raid’s Trial of Flow? Do you find that the boss has too much health and deals so much damage that it’s impossible to keep your DPS alive? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore a technique called wave dodging that can significantly boost your DPS and increase your chances of clearing these challenging stages.
The Problem with the Boss’s Skills The boss in Trial of Flow has skills that deal devastating damage to your DPS heroes, making it nearly impossible to keep them alive. This becomes particularly pronounced in stages nine and ten, where the boss’s health and healing capabilities are significantly higher, and your DPS requirements have become much more stringent.
Counteracting the Damage Traditionally, players have attempted to counteract the boss’s damage by equipping their DPS heroes with defensive gear or using specific artifacts with defensive properties. The first approach involves wearing an MD Fence Necklace with defense stats, providing some block and additional MDF to prevent your DPS heroes from being one-shot. The second approach involves sacrificing DPS potential by using orbs of contact instead of earrings or DPS artifacts.
Introducing the Wave Dodging Technique However, there is another way to overcome the boss’s damage without compromising your DPS potential. Some players have discovered a technique called wave dodging, which allows you to avoid taking damage from the boss’s skills completely. By utilizing specific hero skills with precise timing, you can dodge the incoming waves and continue dealing damage uninterrupted.
The Technique in Detail One hero that excels in wave dodging is Sarah. Her second skill allows her to dodge the wave itself, rendering her immune to the boss’s damage during its execution. By timing this skill to coincide with the wave, Sarah can avoid taking any damage, enabling your entire team to focus on dealing damage to the boss.
Taking It a Step Further If you don’t have Sarah or prefer not to switch heroes during the fight, there is still a way to utilize the wave dodging technique. Heroes like Frey and Mediana can cast shields or use specific skills to block the wave’s damage. By carefully timing these skills after the wave’s dispel but before the damage hits, you can protect your entire team and maintain a higher damage output.
The Benefits of Wave Dodging Implementing the wave dodging technique allows you to keep the boss in the C form, where it takes more damage, resulting in faster clears. This technique eliminates the need for two heroes with crowd control abilities, as you only need to focus on switching the boss out of the waterfall form to maximize your damage potential.
Mastering the Technique Timing is crucial when it comes to wave dodging. You need to cast the shield or initiate the dodge at the precise moment the wave is about to hit your heroes. While it may take some practice to develop a sense of rhythm, this technique is still more reliable than relying on good RNG patterns from the boss.
A Successful Example To demonstrate the wave dodging technique in action, let’s take a look at one of my previous runs. By utilizing precise timing and shield abilities, I was able to achieve a clear without relying heavily on RNG patterns. My DPS hero, Frey, held up against the boss’s damage, and I had plenty of time left to deal the finishing blow.
Conclusion Wave dodging offers a game-changing technique to boost your DPS and increase your chances of success in Trial of Flow. By timing specific hero skills correctly, you can avoid taking damage from the boss’s devastating waves, allowing your team to focus on dealing damage and ultimately achieve clear victories. Give this technique a try and see how it transforms your gameplay experience!
If you have any questions or want to share your experiences with wave dodging, feel free to leave a comment below. Good luck, and happy dodging!
*Note: The transcript has been restructured to fit the article format and maximize its SEO potential.