In this article, we will be discussing a strategy to guarantee a 7-star quest in the popular mobile game, Idle Heroes. For those unfamiliar with the game, Idle Heroes is a role-playing game where players summon heroes, build a powerful team, and battle against various enemies. One of the key aspects of the game is completing quests, which can provide rewards and help progress the player’s account.
The Shadow Meme Team
The transcript starts with the narrator, Barrygaming, discussing the “Shadow Meme Team” account that he hasn’t touched in a while. Barry mentions that he still has a powerful hero named Horus at V4 and wants to take advantage of this account to test a theory about the 7-star quest.
Monthly Events and the 7-star Quest
Barry confesses that he has neglected the monthly events in the game, but one quest still remains: the 7-star quest. He explains that he wants to test if spending 3,000 gems guarantees a 7-star quest. Some players had informed him that the 3000-gem spending only yields a free quest.
Testing the Theory
Barry begins the test by documenting the number of gems he has before starting the quest. He notes that in order for the test to be successful, he needs to spend 3,000 gems and end up with 18,113 gems. He also mentions he will keep some good 5 or 6-star quests along the way, as they may prove useful in the future.
Progression and Results
Barry refreshes the quest list multiple times, hoping to obtain a 7-star quest. Unfortunately, he doesn’t get any lucky rolls initially. However, he decides to keep any gem and heroic scroll quests along the way. After spending about 1,950 gems, he finally obtains his first 7-star quest at 19,153 gems.
Resetting the Pity Timer
Barry continues the test to see if getting a 7-star quest along the way will reset the 3,000-gem pity timer. He keeps refreshing the quests and spending gems until he reaches 16,153 gems. At this point, he expects to receive another 7-star quest according to the theory. And indeed, he does obtain another quest, confirming that getting a 7-star quest resets the timer.
Analysis and Conclusion
Barry concludes the video by summarizing his findings. He states that based on his experiment, it seems likely that getting a 7-star quest on the path to spending 3,000 gems will reset the timer. However, he acknowledges that more testing is required to confirm this theory. He plans to conduct similar experiments on other accounts to gather more data.
SEO-Friendly Title: “Idle Heroes Tavern Quests: Guaranteed 7-Star Quest Strategy Revealed”
In this SEO-friendly title, we highlight the main keyword “Idle Heroes Tavern Quests” and the goal of the strategy, which is to guarantee a 7-star quest. This title is concise, informative, and optimized for search engine visibility.
In conclusion, the video transcript discussed a testing strategy to guarantee a 7-star quest in the mobile game, Idle Heroes. The narrator documented his progress and findings, suggesting that getting a 7-star quest along the way to spending 3,000 gems resets the timer. Further testing is needed to confirm this theory. Players of Idle Heroes can now apply this strategy to improve their quest completion and progression in the game.