Whether you’re playing in an in-game battle or participating in the Grand Arena or Global Championship, understanding how to counter any team is crucial for success in Hero Wars Mobile. In this article, we will discuss three effective strategies that you must know to counter any opponent’s team. By implementing these strategies, you will be able to create a solid strategy for your own teams or heroes, ensuring victory in every battle. So, let’s dive in!

Strategy 1: Targeting the Front Line

If your core heroes or damage dealers are positioned at the front line of the opponent’s team, your goal should be to quickly eliminate them. In order to do this, you need to choose heroes that specifically target the opponents’ front line, such as EDD, Andy Dante, Ksj, or heroes like Dark Star, Elvenor, or Corp+ Dark Star, who have the ability to debuff and hit the opponent’s front line. It’s important to ensure that the opponent’s team does not have a counter for your damage dealer, as this can greatly affect the success of your strategy. For example, if the opponent is using Helios in the back line, the critical hit of EDD or Ksj may not work effectively. Therefore, it is better to choose heroes that focus on the front line without relying too much on their special abilities.

Strategy 2: Counter the Center Line

In cases where the core heroes or damage dealers are positioned at the center line of the opponent’s team, a different strategy is required. You need to select heroes that specifically target the center line and heroes that can debuff the center line heroes. For instance, heroes like Zisha and Lilith can be effective choices as they can debuff the center line heroes. Furthermore, heroes like Phobos can be extremely useful as they can target heroes like Satori, regardless of their position in the opponent’s team. Additionally, you can also opt for heroes that deal area damage to the entire opponent’s team, such as Iris. However, it’s important to note that using area damage can be risky as it may give the opponents an opportunity to charge their ultimate abilities faster, potentially finishing you off before you can execute your strategy. Therefore, it is vital to carefully consider the risks associated with area damage heroes.

Strategy 3: Targeting the Back Line

Teams with core heroes positioned in the back line require a different approach. In such cases, you have several options available. You can use heroes like Cleaver with a hook to pull the backline opponents forward, making them visible and susceptible to your damage dealers. Another option is to select heroes that specifically target the back line of the opponent’s team, such as Jorgen, Artemis, or Nebula. Additionally, you can also include a hero like Jet in your team, whose ability redirects all of your team’s damage to the opponent’s back line for a limited time, enabling you to quickly eliminate the backline heroes. However, it’s important to note that if you choose to use heroes like Cleaver or Faceless, you should not combine them, as their abilities may conflict with each other and disrupt your strategy.

In summary, there are three main strategies for countering different types of defense teams in Hero Wars Mobile. For teams with frontline damage dealers, heroes like Mushy, Dark Star, and Elvenor are highly effective. To counter teams with center line damage dealers, heroes like Zisha and Lilith, as well as join Artemis with Nebular, are ideal choices. Finally, when facing teams with backline damage dealers, heroes like Cleaver, Jet, Jorgen, or Artemis can help you to quickly eliminate the backline heroes.

In the Arena or Guild Wars, you have even more options at your disposal, as you can utilize spare heroes to your advantage. For example, you can combine Mushy, Dark Star with Phobos or Yasmin or Cornelius to target the front line along with one hero at the center or back line. This combination allows you to take advantage of Phobos’s high magic attack stat, Yasmin’s ability to target the lowest armor opponents, and Cornelius’s strength against high intelligence heroes.

By implementing these strategies and adapting them to the specific characteristics of each battle, you will greatly increase your chances of success in Hero Wars Mobile. Remember to choose heroes that can effectively counter the opponent’s team and always consider the strengths and weaknesses of your own heroes. With careful planning and execution, you will become a formidable force on the battlefield.

We hope this article has provided you with valuable information and strategies to improve your gameplay in Hero Wars Mobile. Don’t forget to give this video a thumbs up if you found it helpful. Until next time, take care and goodbye!