In the exciting world of Hero Wars, there is a powerful combination of heroes that has taken the game by storm. Orion, Dorian, and Helios, also known as the Bloody Mary, have become a popular choice for players looking to counter crit teams. In this article, we will explore the mechanics behind this powerful team, the key role played by Helios, and the strategies to beat them.
The Power of Helios and Flaming Retribution
The key to the Orion, Dorian, and Helios (ODH) meta lies in Helios’ skill called Flaming Retribution. This skill inflicts a whopping 80,000-strong magical hit on any attacker who lands a crit on Helios’ team. However, there is a catch - Flaming Retribution only activates when Helios’ solar wind ability is active.
The Importance of Timing with Solar Wind
Solar Wind is the ability that activates Helios’ Flaming Retribution. Timing is crucial here, as Solar Wind only lasts for 10 seconds. Any crits inflicted after this time will not trigger the punishing hit. It’s essential to ensure that Helios has activated Solar Wind before the enemy team lands crits. A well-timed activation can turn the opponent’s critical power against themselves.
Orion’s Magic Penetration and Dorian’s Bloody Aura
Orion plays a vital role in the ODH meta by providing a magic penetration buff to the entire team. This buff allows Helios to deal full damage with his Flaming Retribution skill. Additionally, Dorian’s Bloody Aura helps heal the team by causing damage. The combination of these abilities creates an unstoppable force that seems immune to harm.
Helios’ Guardian of the Galaxy
Helios’ Guardian of the Galaxy ability further enhances the team’s survival capabilities by absorbing up to 180,000 physical damage. This ability scales up with every magic attack buff, making the team even more resilient. The spheres created by Guardian of the Galaxy protect the entire team, creating a stable core that can withstand even the most powerful attacks.
Gameplay Mechanics - Orion’s Ultimate and Solar Wind
Orion’s ultimate ability is a unique mechanic that targets the enemies with the highest health. It fires six missiles, each hitting the enemy with the highest life, the second highest, and so on. It’s important to note that Orion’s scanner cannot differentiate between heroes and non-heroes, such as skeletons.
Solar Wind, Helios’ ability, is crucial for the ODH meta. The duration of Solar Wind has recently been shortened from 14 to 10 seconds. This change was likely made to counter specific teams, such as those featuring Daredevil. When Helios uses his ultimate, all spheres disappear, but his skill remains active, causing invisible damage.
Strengthening the ODH Team
To increase the power of the ODH team, there are a few options to consider. Nebula, with her buff ability, can significantly enhance Orion’s ultimate. Her buff can double Orion’s damage and works exceptionally well with his missiles. However, Nebula may not be the best choice against crit teams due to her squishiness.
Luther, on the other hand, can be an interesting addition to the team. By redirecting K’arkh’s basic attack, he can help the team survive longer. However, this means fewer hits and fewer crits for Helios. Another hero to consider is Jorgen, whose ultimate can freeze Orion’s energy gaining, nullifying his abilities.
Countering the ODH Team
If you’re facing the ODH team, there are a few heroes that can provide a counter. Satori, with his bonus energy counter, can be effective against Orion, generating foxfire marks that disrupt his abilities. Amira’s new skill, which blocks magical damage, can also neutralize Orion and Helios. Rufus, with his shield skill, can absorb magical damage, but this can disadvantage Dorian’s healing.
If you want to counter the ODH team, twins burst them away or consider other Dorian combos like Kira and Lilith, or Aurora, Arachne, and Dante setups.
The ODH team, consisting of Orion, Dorian, and Helios, is a powerful combination that has taken the Hero Wars mobile game by storm. This team’s ability to counter crit teams and their incredible survival capabilities make them a force to be reckoned with. By understanding their mechanics and countering strategies, players can navigate the jungle of Hero Wars with confidence.