In the popular game Hero Wars, obtaining Titan Totems is an essential part of enhancing your gameplay and strengthening your team. These totems provide significant benefits and can greatly improve your chances of success in battles and guild wars. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the guaranteed method for obtaining all 30 Titan Totems. We will discuss the changes made to the old charts and provide step-by-step instructions on how to maximize your chances of obtaining these valuable items. So, let’s dive in and become Titan masters!
Changes to the Old Charts
Previously, obtaining all 30 Titan Totems seemed like an insurmountable task. The old chart revealed that the guaranteed totem for the 18th fragment appeared at a staggering 5.1 million emeralds. However, Hero Wars has made some changes to make the process a bit easier. The new totem chart now shows that the 18th totem can be obtained at 4.8 million emeralds, reducing the gap between the 17th and 18th totems. This update brings more hope to players striving for all 30 totems.
Spending Emeralds and Bad Luck Prevention
One crucial mechanic to understand is the bad luck prevention system. Spending emeralds contributes to this system and ensures that players make progress towards obtaining totems even if they haven’t received them randomly. The chances of obtaining a totem randomly are quite rare, about one in every 3,333 openings. However, by spending emeralds, players increase their chances and work towards the guaranteed totems.
Totem Acquisition Strategy
Obtaining totems requires substantial emerald investment, but it is a cost-effective way to enhance your gameplay compared to other options like maxing out heroes or building a max power team. By focusing on Titans, players can contribute to their guild in wars and clashes effectively.
For those interested in becoming Titan specialists, here is a step-by-step strategy:
Spend Emeralds: Focus on spending your emeralds on Titans rather than on other aspects of the game. This approach ensures that you accumulate progress towards your next totem guarantee.
Contact Support for Progress Updates: To determine how close you are to obtaining your next totem guarantee, reach out to Hero Wars support. They can provide you with the information you need to refine your strategy and optimize your gameplay.
Random Totem Acquisition: While the second and third guarantees have a considerable gap, most players will obtain the first two guarantees matching their most powerful element. After that, the totems are acquired randomly. The chances of obtaining a totem randomly are higher than spending an additional 400,000 emeralds.
By following this strategy, players can steadily progress towards obtaining all 30 Titan Totems.
The journey to obtaining all 30 Titan Totems in Hero Wars is challenging yet rewarding. With the updated chart and a strategic approach, players can significantly enhance their gameplay and contribute to their guild’s success in wars and clashes. Spending emeralds on Titans proves to be a more cost-effective alternative compared to maxing out heroes or building a max power team. So, focus your efforts on Titans, contact support for progress updates, and keep working towards your next guarantee. Rise to the challenge and become a true Titan master in Hero Wars!
Thank you for reading this comprehensive guide. Stay tuned for more expert tips and strategies to elevate your Hero Wars gameplay!