
In this article, we will discuss how to build an effective Keira team in the popular game Hero Wars. Specifically, we will focus on a team lineup that includes Keira, Nebula, and Orion. This lineup is known for its balance and effectiveness against various types of teams.

The Core Lineup: Keira, Nebula, and Orion

The core of this team consists of three heroes: Keira, Nebula, and Orion. Keira is a hero with high armor penetration, while Orion has very high magic penetration. Nebula’s role is to boost the damage output of both Keira and Orion. This lineup is relatively inexpensive and consists of two agility heroes and one intelligence-based hero.

Choosing the Tank: Aurora, Asteroth, or Galahad

You have the flexibility to choose the tank that best suits your playstyle and strategy. Aurora, Asteroth, and Galahad are all viable options. Aurora works well with Orion as his magic penetration boosts her damage. Asteroth is a more defensive choice, providing additional control and defense. Galahad is great for boosting Keira’s damage output. Ultimately, the choice depends on your preferred playstyle.

The Importance of Skins and Artifacts

Skins and artifacts play a crucial role in enhancing the performance of your heroes. Keira, in particular, requires her winter skin for effective gameplay. Nebula’s agility skin and Orion’s magic penetration skin are also essential for maximizing their potential. It’s recommended to prioritize the dodge skin for Aurora, as it increases her survivability.

The Role of Thea as a Healer

In 2022, Thea is a highly recommended healer for this team lineup. She not only provides healing but also offers shielding and damage reduction. Her ability to convert excess healing into a shield adds an extra layer of protection for squishy heroes like Keira and Aurora. Thea’s relatively faster healing speed makes her a valuable asset to the team.

Alternative Heroes: Marcus and Celeste

If you’re looking for alternative heroes to replace Thea, Marcus is a good option. Although he pushes Keira back, he maintains the pairing of Nebula and Orion, which is crucial for this team lineup. Celeste, on the other hand, should be avoided as she pushes Keira away from Nebula, disrupting the team’s synergy.

Obtaining Soul Stones and Building the Team

Aurora and Kiera can be obtained relatively early on in the campaign. Grind for their soul stones to strengthen your team. Orion and Thea can be acquired from the tower shop. Marcus can be obtained from the grand arena shop. By strategically focusing on acquiring these heroes, you can build a highly effective team without waiting for long periods.

Long-Term Planning and Team Optimization

To optimize your team’s performance, focus on upgrading the heroes’ skins and artifacts. Prioritize Aurora’s book artifact, as it significantly increases her dodge skill. After that, allocate resources to Keira’s book and Orion’s penetration skin. Once these upgrades are complete, the order of upgrades becomes less crucial.


Building a balanced Keira team in Hero Wars requires strategic planning and resource allocation. By utilizing the core lineup of Keira, Nebula, and Orion, along with the right tank and healer, you can create a highly effective team. Additionally, optimizing skins and artifacts will further enhance your team’s performance. With this guide, you’ll be well on your way to dominating in Hero Wars.