
Welcome to the Hero Wars Channel, where we uncover awesome tricks and strategies to dominate in the popular mobile game, Hero Wars. In this episode, we will explore a unique trick involving the low hero, Cornelius. By utilizing this technique, you can secure a win even against formidable enemies, especially those who have Unvari in their team. This trick involves using the Stone Grass ability to generate a significant amount of energy and strategically timing Cornelius’ attack for maximum impact.

Key Points

  1. Setting Up the Team:

    • To execute this trick, you need Cornelius to have the lowest life among your heroes.
    • Recommended heroes to include in your team are Ziri, Martha, and Jorgen.
    • Ziri’s attacks on the low life Cornelius will weaken him further, setting up the perfect conditions for Jorgen’s Shield ability to activate.
    • Jorgen’s Shield doubles your energy gain, giving you a significant advantage.
  2. Amplifying Cornelius’ Ultimate:

    • Cornelius’ ultimate ability, Monolith, is boosted by Ziri’s presence in the team.
    • Monolith targets the enemy with the highest intelligence.
    • If Monolith kills the targeted enemy while Jorgen’s Shield is active, Cornelius gains an additional 60 energy, allowing him to unleash a devastating attack.
  3. Overcoming Non-Intelligent Heroes:

    • Non-intelligent heroes pose a challenge, as Monolith’s energy gain is dependent on eliminating intelligent enemies.
    • Fortunately, Lars provides an excellent solution with his ability to steer resurrection and improve penetration.
    • Lars’ attack is physical, and armor significantly reduces the damage, making his assistance vital for Cornelius’ success.
  4. Understanding Cornelius’ Ultimate:

    • It’s important to note that Cornelius’ ultimate has a very short interruption window, making it challenging for enemies to stop his attack.
    • The left team in the example had a power level of only 260,000, while the right team had nearly 500,000 power.
    • This demonstrates the effectiveness of the low Cornelius trick, as a lower-powered team managed to defeat a significantly stronger opponent.
  5. Yasmine’s Blue Skill:

    • If you decide to use Yasmine in your team, it’s crucial to keep her blue skill in mind.
    • Yasmine’s blue skill redirects physical damage to the furthest enemy, but it is level-dependent, so consider whether it is suitable for the trick.
    • Redirecting Cornelius’ attack might affect the desired outcome, as it could prevent him from eliminating the specific hero you are targeting.
  6. Overcoming High Armor Values:

    • Some heroes, like Satori, possess high armor values.
    • To ensure Cornelius’ attack can overcome their defenses, it is crucial to either boost Cornelius’ attack power or have an armor penetration buff active.
  7. Conclusion:

    • Mastering the low Cornelius trick requires careful team composition and strategic timing.
    • By utilizing the Stone Grass ability, leveraging Jorgen’s Shield, and incorporating the abilities of heroes like Lars and Ziri, you can maximize Cornelius’ potential.
    • This trick levels the playing field, allowing even lower-powered teams to secure victories against stronger opponents.

Remember to stay tuned for more Hero Wars strategies and tips. Keep exploring the unique abilities of your heroes and dominate the battlefield with your newfound knowledge. Peace!