In this article, we will be discussing the new characters and ships that were introduced in 2022 in the popular mobile game Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes (SWGOH). As a seasoned player, I have had the opportunity to evaluate and rank these new additions based on their performance and usefulness in the game. Whether you are a new player or a veteran, this article will provide you with insights into the strengths and weaknesses of these characters and ships.
Key Points:
- Reviewing the new characters and ships introduced in SWGOH in 2022
- Ranking these new additions based on their performance and usefulness
- Analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of each character and ship
- Providing insights for players on how to use these new additions effectively
Let’s dive into each of the new characters and ships and evaluate their performance and usefulness in the game.
1. Boba Fett’s Sign of Django: The Underwhelming Bounty Hunter
The first character we’ll be discussing is Boba Fett’s Sign of Django. While this character was technically introduced in 2021, he wasn’t unlocked until the beginning of 2022. Unfortunately, Boba Fett’s Sign of Django turned out to be underwhelming. Although not a bad character, other bounty hunters in the game can perform the same tasks with less investment of resources. Furthermore, being a conquest character made him a disappointment for many players. Ultimately, he falls into the “Pass” category, as he doesn’t add much value to the game.
2. Iden Versio: Elevating the Imperial Troopers
Iden Versio was the first new character to be announced and released in 2022. Her role was to elevate the leftover Imperial Troopers that were being underutilized. While she doesn’t belong to a legendary category, Iden Versio forms a solid top-tier team and can make even low-gear Troopers useful. She falls into the “Good” category due to her overall effectiveness but doesn’t reach the “Amazing” status.
3. The Inquisitors: A Journey Through the Dark Side
The Inquisitors made a significant impact in the game in 2022. While individually they may not be impressive, together they form a powerful faction. However, the real standout among them is the Ninth Sister, who brings durability and versatility to Imperial lineups. She is considered the best Inquisitor among the group. Other Inquisitors like the Seventh Sister and the Fifth Brother also have their uses but don’t reach the same level of effectiveness. On the other hand, the Eighth Brother is the weakest among the Inquisitors and is often left out in team compositions. Hence, the Inquisitors fall into different categories depending on their individual strengths.
4. Ships: Enhancing Fleet Battles
In addition to new characters, 2022 also introduced several new ships to SWGOH. The MGL-100 and the TIE Echelon are among the notable ships that had an impact on fleet battles. The MGL-100, while not essential for any specific event or farm, can enhance the Holdo Fleet. However, it doesn’t significantly elevate the overall fleet meta and falls into the “Past” category. On the other hand, the TIE Echelon, with its ability to counter the Executor, provides great value and is considered an “Amazing” ship.
5. Profundity and Radice: New Capital Ships
The introduction of the Profundity and Radice capital ships brought a new dynamic to fleet battles. The TIE Interceptor was the first ship that unlocked the Profundity and proved its importance as the fleets expanded in Grand Arena. With its strong offense and defense capabilities, the TIE Interceptor falls into the “Amazing” category. On the other hand, Radice, as the capital ship member for the Rogue One lineup, brings some improvements but doesn’t make a significant impact. Therefore, it falls into the “Good” category.
6. Dash Rendar’s Outrider: A Ship Without a Clear Purpose
Dash Rendar’s Outrider was a ship that left many players puzzled about its purpose. Speculation suggested that it would be part of the Rebels’ new capital ship lineup, but its actual role remained unclear. As it didn’t contribute significantly to any specific fleet or event, it falls into the “Okay” category.
7. Shorty: A Fun, but Underutilized Droid
Shorty, a droid character, was a fan favorite due to its fun nature. However, it didn’t have much relevance or necessity in any legendary event or particular farm. Despite having a conquest crown, it remains underutilized in the game. As such, Shorty falls into the “Reluctant Farm” category.
In conclusion, the new characters and ships introduced in SWGOH in 2022 have had varying degrees of impact and usefulness in the game. While some characters like Iden Versio and Ninth Sister have elevated existing factions and provided powerful team compositions, others like Boba Fett’s Sign of Django and the Eighth Brother have fallen short of expectations. Similarly, some ships like the TIE Echelon have changed the fleet meta, while others like Dash Rendar’s Outrider lack a clear purpose. It will be exciting to see how these new additions evolve and shape the game in the future.
Remember to check out the original Youtube video by AhnaldT101 for a more in-depth analysis of these new characters and ships. As always, enjoy the game and may the force be with you!
This article is based on the Youtube transcript provided by AhnaldT101 and the opinions and rankings expressed are those of the author.