Epic Seven is currently running a series of exciting banners and collaborations, leaving players wondering how to prioritize their limited resources. In this guide, we will discuss the best approach for new, mid, and late-game players when it comes to summoning. Whether you are a seasoned player or just starting out, we have you covered.
1. Skip Regular Banners: Despite the allure of regular banners, it is generally recommended to skip them. These units are not limited and will frequently reappear in future summons. You may even have a chance to obtain them through regular normal summons if luck is on your side.
2. Triple Banner Units: For new players, it is likely that you have already chosen Tamarin, Landy, and Seaside Blona from the triple banner. While some may argue to summon for the collaboration units due to their use in PvP, it is important to note that Tamarin is available through story summons and Seaside Blona will be available in the next few months. Landy is also accessible during fall. Seaside Blona performs similarly to Landy in PvE, making her a suitable alternative. Collaboration units, on the other hand, typically run only once a year and there is a chance they may not run again. Additionally, a new collab unit named Ramiro and Milim is expected to be released, so it is wise to be prepared for their arrival.
3. Hold Off on Summoning: Although the temptation to summon for highly-desired units like 0.4 Tamarin may be strong, it is advisable to wait until the Slime Club collaboration begins. This will give you a better understanding of the new collab unit’s strength and whether it is worth prioritizing. If you haven’t started your triple banner summons yet, it is recommended to wait until near the end of the event period in order to maximize your chances of obtaining the desired units and saving bookmarks.
4. Prioritize Collaboration Units: As always, it is best to prioritize collaboration units. However, keep in mind that Tamarin, Landy, and Seaside Blona are easily accessible through other means, such as future banners or story progression. With summer coming up, Seaside Blona’s banner will likely return, and Tamron’s banner may reappear after the collab. Landy is not as essential as she used to be, as there are now many great options available for PvE.
It is important to note that missing out on collab units is not the end of the world. These units are no longer as overpowered as they once were, but they still make great additions to your collection. Don’t stress about missing out, as the Slime collab is expected to run again in the future.
That being said, we hope this guide has been helpful in planning your summons in Epic Seven. The collab units are incredibly enjoyable to play with, and we will be sharing our recommended builds once the collab begins. Remember, bookmarks can always be replenished, so summon wisely and have fun on your Epic Seven journey.