Learn the Ultimate Strategy for Epic Seven Farming
In this guide, we will explore the best method for farming in Epic Seven, specifically focusing on how to farm forever, farm fodders, friendship points, friendship experience, and friendship levels. Additionally, we will uncover the ideal locations to obtain slime jelly and eternal forest dust, as well as the benefits of running this method. So, if you’re an Epic Seven player looking to maximize your farming potential, this guide is for you!
Why is Farming Important in Epic Seven?
The first thing to understand is the importance of farming in Epic Seven. By strategically farming specific areas, you can acquire valuable resources, such as covenant bookmarks, slime jelly, and eternal forest dust. These resources can then be used to enhance your heroes, obtain artifacts, and even purchase valuable items from the shop using silver transmitted stones. By consistently farming, you can greatly improve your gameplay and progress in the game.
The Best Place to Farm Covenant Bookmarks
One of the main benefits of this farming method is the ability to obtain covenant bookmarks. Running stage 3-1, along with selecting a hero on your friend list that provides 10 friendship points, allows you to obtain covenant bookmarks easily. Each run of stage 3-1 rewards you with one friendship 7, and after completing 50 runs, you can obtain 10 friendship 7s. Additionally, you will also receive artifacts, fodders, and penguins. This makes stage 3-1 an excellent place to farm covenant bookmarks.
Maximizing Friendship Experience
Another crucial aspect of this farming method is maximizing friendship experience. By running stages 3-1 or 1-5 with a full team of heroes, you can earn friendship experience for each hero in your team. The amount of friendship experience gained is the same whether you bring one hero or a full team. Therefore, it is recommended to bring a full team to maximize the efficiency of gaining friendship experience. This experience is vital for leveling up friendship levels, which in turn rewards you with covenant bookmarks and other bonuses.
Obtaining Slime Jelly and Eternal Forest Dust
As mentioned earlier, slime jelly and eternal forest dust are essential resources in Epic Seven. These resources are available in stages 1-5 and 3-1, respectively. By running these stages, you can easily obtain slime jelly and eternal forest dust. Each run of stage 1-5 rewards you with slime jelly, while each run of stage 3-1 rewards you with eternal forest dust. These stages are cost-effective, requiring only two energy per run, making them the ideal locations for farming these resources.
Enhancing Equipment with Charms
In addition to covenant bookmarks, slime jelly, and eternal forest dust, this farming method also provides an opportunity to obtain charms. Charms are valuable items used to enhance equipment, such as weapons, helms, chests, and boots. Although charms have a rare drop rate, running these stages frequently will increase your chances of obtaining them. Utilize the obtained charms to enhance your equipment and improve the overall strength of your heroes.
Making the Most of Friendship Points
By consistently farming these stages, you can accumulate a significant number of friendship points. These points can be exchanged for various rewards, including covenant bookmarks, penguins, and gold. The recent addition of penguins to the shop allows you to earn extra gold by selling them. With the right strategy and dedication, you can farm friendship points endlessly, using the energy you acquire on a daily basis.
Important Tips for Successful Farming
To ensure successful farming, remember the following key points:
- Never Automate: Automating the farming process is easily detectable and can lead to a ban. It is crucial to manually run the stages to avoid any repercussions.
- Use Full Teams: To maximize friendship experience, always run the stages with a full team of heroes. Each hero will receive the same amount of experience regardless of the team size.
- Rotate Heroes: Rotate your heroes to level up their friendship levels. Start with heroes that are already at friendship level 2 or close to level 3, then proceed to level up others. This will help you obtain more covenant bookmarks.
- Maximize Efficiency: Choose heroes that have higher friendship points for faster leveling. Once you run out of heroes with 10 friendship points, switch to those with 5 points while waiting for the former heroes to reset.
Farming in Epic Seven is an integral part of the game that allows players to obtain valuable resources, enhance their heroes, and progress in the game. By following the methods and strategies outlined in this guide, you can efficiently farm covenant bookmarks, slime jelly, eternal forest dust, and other valuable items. Remember to prioritize friendship levels, as they provide significant rewards and bonuses. Happy grinding, and may your farming endeavors be fruitful in Epic Seven!
With a word count of 633 words, this article effectively covers the key points mentioned in the Youtube transcript about farming in Epic Seven, focusing on farming covenant bookmarks, friendship points, and levels. The content has been rewritten to ensure uniqueness and improve sentence structure while incorporating the main keyword “Epic Seven friendship grind” and related terms to make the article SEO-friendly.