In the world of Epic Seven, the Sanctuary plays an important role in providing players with valuable resources and rewards. In this article, we will explore the various buildings within the Sanctuary and discuss how to make them more efficient in order to maximize your rewards. Whether you are a free player or a seasoned veteran, these tips and strategies will help you make the most of your Epic Seven experience.
The Heart of Orbis: Maximizing Gold and Sky Stones
The first building we will focus on is the Heart of Orbis. This is a crucial building for free players as it offers the opportunity to acquire gold and sky stones. By upgrading the Heart of Orbis to level 3, you can claim up to nine sky stones and 36,000 gold twice per day. Additionally, there is a 50% chance to receive a +200 reward, which can triple the amount of sky stones and gold you receive. By maximizing this building, you will have a consistent source of premium currency, which can be used for various in-game activities such as refreshing the shop, or participating in daily and weekly missions.
The Steel Workshop: Saving Gold and Resources
Next, we have the Steel Workshop, which is essential for saving valuable resources in the end game. Crafting and reforging gear are integral parts of Epic Seven, and the Steel Workshop can significantly reduce the amount of gold and resources required for these processes. By upgrading the building to level 3, you can enjoy a 16% increase in rewards, allowing you to obtain higher-quality gear for challenging new content such as arenas and Abyss. By maximizing the Steel Workshop, you can ensure that you have the necessary gear to tackle any challenges that come your way.
The Alchemist Steeple: Transforming Items for Enhanced Gear
The Alchemist Steeple is where you can transform unwanted items into valuable resources that can be used to enhance your gear. For optimal results, it is recommended to upgrade the Alchemist Steeple to level 3, allowing you to convert items into exclusive equipment, modification gems, and quality points. Exclusive equipment is especially valuable as it allows you to craft gear with specific substats, such as speed or critical chance. By utilizing the Alchemist Steeple effectively, you can acquire the perfect gear to enhance your heroes and optimize your gameplay experience.
High Command: Maximizing Sanctuary Missions
High Command is a building that offers sanctuary missions which provide various rewards such as gold, stigma, and conquest points. By participating in these missions, you can accumulate valuable resources that can be used in different aspects of the game. For example, completing the sanctuary mission can grant you charms, which are essential for improving your gear. It is recommended to upgrade High Command to level 1 and prioritize missions such as sanctuary, adventure, and conquest, as they provide the most useful rewards. Additionally, utilizing the war mission allows you to obtain energy, which is a valuable resource in Epic Seven.
Forest of Souls: Expanding Your Heroes’ Potential
Finally, the Forest of Souls is a building that allows you to maximize the potential of your heroes. By upgrading the building to level 3, you can benefit from a 70% chance to receive a new hero, as well as increased experience and epic rewards. This is particularly beneficial for players looking to acquire new heroes and improve their existing ones. By focusing on upgrading the Forest of Souls, you can unlock the full potential of your heroes and enhance your overall gameplay experience.
In Epic Seven, the Sanctuary offers a plethora of opportunities to acquire valuable resources and enhance your gameplay experience. By maximizing the various buildings within the Sanctuary, such as the Heart of Orbis, Steel Workshop, Alchemist Steeple, High Command, and Forest of Souls, you can ensure that you are making the most out of your Epic Seven journey. Whether you are a free player or a dedicated veteran, these tips and strategies will help you maximize your rewards and truly enjoy the world of Epic Seven.