Welcome to this comprehensive guide on how to properly spend your gems in Raid: Shadow Legends! In this article, we will delve into the best strategies to upgrade your gem economy, avoid common mistakes, and optimize your gameplay. Whether you are a beginner or a late-game player, these tips will help you make the most out of your gem investments. So let’s get started!
Gem Mine: The Foundation for Success
The first thing you should prioritize is the Gem Mine. It is crucial to upgrade your Gem Mine to maximize your gem production. At its maximum level, the Gem Mine can generate approximately 15 gems per day, making it a profitable investment. Although it may take a few months to recover your initial investment, every gem you receive after that will be pure profit. Therefore, it is recommended to allocate your gems towards upgrading your Gem Mine early on in the game.
Unlock the Market for Valuable Rewards
Another area where you should consider spending your gems is the market. By unlocking additional levels in the market using gems, you will gain access to valuable resources such as mystery shards and ancient shards. These shards can be used to obtain champions and improve your roster. Stock up on mystery shards, as they can be used in place of other shards during events or when you need to acquire books for uncommon champions. Investing in the market is a wise move for any player at any stage of the game.
Sparring Pit: A Late-Game Luxury
Although the Sparring Pit may seem enticing, it is not a priority for early or even mid-game players. Upgrading and unlocking slots in the Sparring Pit requires a significant investment of gems. Instead, focus on alternative ways to level up your champions more efficiently. While you can use the Sparring Pit to passively level a champion in the background, there are more effective methods to spend your gems earlier in the game. Delay investing in the Sparring Pit until you have excess gems in the late mid-game or end game.
XP Boosts: Spend Wisely
XP boosts can be a tempting purchase, but they are not always necessary. Only buy XP boosts if you plan to spend a significant amount of energy on leveling up champions in the campaign. If you are just doing your daily battles or farming dungeons, XP boosts are not worth the investment. They are more beneficial for late-game players who are farming specific stages with one champion for leveling up their masteries. In most cases, it is more cost-effective to purchase full energy refills, which provide you with more resources for the same price.
Tag Team Arena and Classic Arena Refills: Think Twice
When it comes to arena refills, it’s important to consider your current situation before making a purchase. Tag Team Arena refills should generally be avoided as they do not offer significant rewards for the gems spent. The rewards you can obtain from other purchases in the Bazaar, such as energy or ancient shards, provide better value. Classic Arena refills can be worthwhile if you are pushing for a higher rank during the reset period. However, if it is mid-week and you are mainly focused on progressing your Great Hall, it is more prudent to invest in full energy refills instead.
Potion Packs and Name Changes: Avoid unnecessary expenses
Potion packs are not the most efficient way to spend your gems. Almost any team can farm the Arcane Keep with ease, so it is better to farm it yourself rather than purchasing potion packs. As for name changes, they are largely unnecessary and do not contribute significantly to your progress in the game. Similarly, clan boss keys should only be purchased in exceptional situations where you urgently need to boost your damage output or take advantage of a two times drop event. Otherwise, waiting for a new key to regenerate on its own is a more sensible approach.
Shard Packs: Temptation versus Strategy
Shard packs may seem like a good deal, but be cautious before purchasing them. It is easy to be enticed by the prospect of obtaining three or more shards for a relatively low cost. However, investing heavily in shard packs can hinder your progress in the game. Instead of allocating your gems to shard packs, focus on obtaining and upgrading champions with masteries and six stars. These investments will have a more significant impact on your overall performance.
In conclusion, learning how to properly spend your gems is crucial for maximizing your progress in Raid: Shadow Legends. Prioritize upgrading your Gem Mine and investing in the market for valuable resources. Consider the value and necessity of XP boosts, arena refills, and other purchases before making a decision. Avoid unnecessary expenses on potion packs, name changes, and clan boss keys unless absolutely necessary. Finally, be cautious when purchasing shard packs, as investing in champion upgrades and masteries should take precedence. By following these strategies, you can upgrade your gem economy and optimize your gameplay in Raid: Shadow Legends. Good luck on your journey!