
Welcome, everyone, to this episode of Kings Road tips and strategy! In this series, we will be exploring the world of Kingdom gameplay and discussing various aspects of the game. In this first episode, we will be focusing on weapons, shields, and armor, and when to switch them out for optimal performance. So let’s dive right in!

Choosing the Right Weapons and Armor

When it comes to dual-wielding, it is crucial to wait until you obtain a more powerful sword than the one you currently have. This allows you to combine the damage of both swords, resulting in more effective attacks. The goal is to maximize your damage output, especially as you progress to higher levels and face tougher opponents.

In terms of armor, prioritize the stats they provide over appearance. While having a visually appealing character is important to some players, the main focus should be on maximizing your defense and effectiveness in battle. Keep an eye on the information provided by your armor and weapons to make informed decisions.

Maximizing Damage and Health

To maximize your damage output, focus on continually upgrading your weapon. As you level up, make sure to choose weapons that offer higher damage. This will allow you to defeat enemies more quickly and efficiently, especially as you face more challenging bosses and enemies.

Additionally, increasing your health is essential for survival. The more health you have, the harder it will be for your enemies to kill you. This provides you with more opportunities to defeat them. Consider upgrading your health and stamina stats to ensure your character can withstand tough battles.

Choosing Skills and Abilities

When it comes to choosing skills and abilities, there are various opinions on what works best. Ultimately, it depends on your playstyle and preferences. However, a good recommendation is to prioritize skill upgrades that improve your health regeneration, lifestyle, and attack damage. These upgrades will enhance your survivability and combat effectiveness.

Experiment with different skill combinations and see what works best for you. Consider focusing on either increasing your attack damage or improving your overall health, depending on your preferred playstyle. Remember, the goal is to find a balance that helps you progress further in the game.

Expanding Your Character Roster

In addition to your main character, you can also create additional characters with different classes, such as archers and wizards. These characters offer unique gameplay experiences and can be switched out during missions. If you’re interested in seeing my archer and wizard in action, let me know in the comments! Majority votes will determine which character I showcase in the next episode.


To summarize, in the world of Kings Road, optimizing your weapons, armor, and skills is essential for success. Prioritize upgrading your weapons for increased damage output, choose armor based on its stats rather than appearance, and focus on improving your health and attack damage. Experiment with different skill combinations and consider creating additional characters to diversify your gameplay experience. Remember to have fun and adapt your strategies to suit your playstyle.

Thank you for joining me in this episode of Kings Road tips and strategy. Be sure to drop a like and leave a comment/question below. I’ll be happy to address any inquiries or share my honest opinions on various aspects of the game. Stay tuned for the next video, where we’ll continue our journey in Kings Road together!